Helen Zhao, Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, graduated from New England School of Acupuncture at MCPHS (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science). Before MCPHS, she spent 3 years in Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM) for studying Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist, certified by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine and has a nationally certified Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
She believes that human body has the self-healing functions. And Acupuncture is a natural way to revive them, to boost them and to adjust them. Helen also uses adjunctive therapies such as acupressure, cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, electroacupuncture, and herb prescriptions. She is open-minded to many different techniques as long as they are safe and effective. She likes to choose different treatment methods based on each patient’s own situation. She treats patients both locally as well as wholistically. She likes to help people who believe acupuncture and herbs are helpful for their well-being.